Quiche Loraine. Quiche Lorraine with a buttery crust and a tender filling with our favorite food group - bacon! The mother of all quiche recipes is the Quiche Lorraine, a light custard with lots of bacon in a buttery crust. This was the third type of quiche I made for a PTA brunch I catered last week.
Recette Quiche lorraine : découvrez les ingrédients, ustensiles et étapes de préparation. Пирог с курицей и грибами ☆ КИШ ☆ Quiche with chicken and mushrooms.
Your quiche Lorraine can be eaten hot from the oven or served in cold slices the next day.
Quiche is nothing more than an unsweetened custard pie from the Lorraine region of France.
Vous pouvez faire Quiche Loraine avec des 9 Ingrédients Et 8 étapes. voici comment cuire facilement le Quiche Loraine. J'espère que cette simple recette Quiche Loraine est utile.
Ingrédients de Quiche Loraine
- >tu dois fournir 200 g de pate brisé.
- >tu dois fournir 200 g de cube de jambon.
- >tu dois fournir 30 g de beurre.
- >tu dois fournir 3 de oeuf.
- >tu dois fournir 200 ml de creme fraîche a 30% de mg.
- >elles sont 200 ml de lait entier.
- >tu dois fournir 1 de pincé de noix de muscade.
- >tu dois fournir 4 de pincé de sel.
- >vous devez préparer 3 de pincé de poivre.
Quiche Lorraine—eggs, Swiss cheese and bacon baked in a pie crust—is the cornerstone of any traditional brunch. A homemade Quiche Lorraine is one of those things reserved for special occasions that puts store bought to shame. Surprise yourself with how easy it is to make a homemade quiche crust. My sweet lil' maple bacon pancakes!
Quiche Loraine pas à pas
- Préchauffer le four a 180°c.
- Etaler la pate dans un moule a tarte.
- Lapiquer avec une fourchette. Et parsemer de copeaux de beurre.
- Battre les oeufs, la creme fraîche et le lait.
- Ajouter les cube de jambon.
- Assaisonner de sel, de poivre et de noix de muscade.
- Versez sur la pate.
- Cuire pendant 45 minutes.
Do you remember eating quiche Lorraine as a child? (RECIPE BELOW) Flaky, buttery pastry filled with a creamy bacon mixture… it was a classic that was. Although Quiche Loraine had its origins in Germany ("Quiche" comes from the German word "kuchen" which means cake and Loraine is a region in France), it has become one of the true iconic specialties. Quiche Lorraine gets its name from the Lorraine region in France. Traditionally, it's made with a classic quiche custard of eggs and cream and filled with pork lardons. Click here to get your free copy now!