🍽️ Croque-monsieur !! 🍽️. A croque monsieur (French pronunciation: [kʁɔk məsjø]) is a hot sandwich made with ham and cheese. The dish originated in French cafés and bars as a quick snack. So, let's begin to prepare our croque monsieur, a succulent sandwich, as we said before, which in France has many variants: with ham, with hot dog, with cheese, and so on.
This Classic Croque Monsieur Recipe is easy to prepare and is a taste emersion right to the middle of Paris.
For this recipe you can use any type of ham; so by all means, feel free to use any leftovers that you may have from this Easter.
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Nous pouvons faire 🍽️ Croque-monsieur !! 🍽️ avec des 4 Ingrédients Et 7 étapes. voici comment cuire facilement le 🍽️ Croque-monsieur !! 🍽️. J'espère que cette simple recette 🍽️ Croque-monsieur !! 🍽️ est utile.
Ingrédients de 🍽️ Croque-monsieur !! 🍽️
- >tu dois fournir de De la béchamel (voir tuto précédent).
- >elles sont 4 de tranches de jambon blanc.
- >vous devez préparer 200 g de gruyère.
- >elles sont 16 de tranches de pain de mie.
You can read my disclosure policy. Croque Monsieur sandwich made the easy way. No need to make the time consuming bechamel sauce to enjoy this French classic. Follow my simple recipe for the same delicious taste!
🍽️ Croque-monsieur !! 🍽️ instructions
- Déposer 2 tranches de pain de mie sur une assiette..
- Recouvrir les tranches de pain de mie de béchamel..
- Ensuite, parsemer de gruyère..
- Couper le jambon en 4 comme sur la photo..
- Déposer 2 morceaux de jambon, comme sur la photo..
- Fermer le croque monsieur et répéter ces étapes pour chaque croque-monsieur..
- Voici 8 croque-monsieurs à faire cuire dans l'appareil à croque-monsieur..
If you a French cuisine aficionado, give my Chicken Casserole a la Normande a try! If you could only make one dish, it arguably should be this amazingly gooey croque monsieur (that's a toasted ham and cheese sandwich). You can find a Croque Monsieur on most French bistro or cafe menus; it's the French version of toasted cheese. Usually served with chips or salad, it forms a staple of the French fast food cuisine and it is delicious. Here's our brief run-down on everything you need to know about it.